Sergey Sulimov


Sergey Sulimov


Why learning German is easy

Very often, you can hear that the German language is too difficult to learn: incomprehensible rough pronunciation, complex grammar and in general, nothing is unclear there. As a result, it is believed that only natural geniuses with an indecently high IQ can master it. Nevertheless, in fact, course, this is not the case. The people a lot learn German and then use it in their lives, and them none has a Nobel Prize. If you are an ordinary person who has a desire to learn German, then you can do it. And all the prejudices are rather related to the unknown and the new usual fear, which overcomes us each at least once in our lives. In addition, all you need to overcome it is to start learning the language.

Let’s start with the main thing – it’s motivation. If there is no desire to learn a language, then you should not start. German, like any other language, will definitely seem too complicated, and all his training will be bent at the root. Therefore, motivation is the first thing you need to stock up on. When there is a specific goal, then there is a desire to do something for it.

And now let’s get to the specifics. Here are some facts that prove that German is easier to learn than many foreign languages. In particular, English, which is very popular today.

In German there is case and gender a concept, so a person who knows Russian does not need to explain the difference between: подошел/подошла/подошло or betweenхороший человек/хорошему человеку. For most foreigners, whose grammar does not imply their presence, this is generally wildness. That is why it is sometimes so funny for us to listen to foreigners who confuse the endings and his/her. And those who know Russian have this understanding.

It is well known that mastering a new language requires memorizing new words, a large number. And it seems to many that until they learn at least one and a half to two thousand, you can forget about talking in a foreign language. In fact, this is just another common misconception. To explain yourself in the language with simple phrases, you need to know initially 150-300 words that can be easily learned in a short time. This also applies to German.

Today it is not difficult to find  100, 300 and 500 most used words lists on the Internet. And in general, it is enough to know about a thousand. If you think about it, it’s not that much. For example, a first grade student knows the Russian language two thousand words, which a child learns for five to six years. In learning a new language, anyone can be considered a first-grader, but it is much easier for an adult, with his skills and experience, to learn this thousand in the end. Plus, many words from the German dictionary will be understandable anyway. For example:anecdote, gas, valuta etc..

Now let’s talk about the similarity with English. At first glance, it seems that he can have nothing in common with German, but in reality, these languages have phonetic similarity: they have similar pronunciation, stress and intonation. In addition, the German language advantage is that all letters are pronounced. That is, the word is both written and read. English cannot please with this; the first letter is very often not read there, and in some words as many as four may be left out. Words a lot in these languages are similar. For example, apple and apfel (apple), which also facilitates vocabulary replenishment. Moreover, there are borrowings a lot from English in German. Nevertheless, words are not just borrowed, but also changed according to the German language rules. This gave rise to the so-called Denglish (English and German a mixture). Therefore, on the Germany streets you can often find signs on a similar “trasyanka”.

As for grammar, indefinite and definite articles, the need for a copula verb, modal verbs, the verbs division into correct and incorrect (strong/ weak in German) and other features will not be new to everyone who knows English. In addition, the proposals themselves are very similar. German another advantage is the six tenses presence twelve English ones instead. Agree, this is a significant difference.

So if you decide to study German, feel free to get down to business and do not be afraid that it is too complicated, because it is not so at all. Sign up for courses from the DeutcherPapa and start learning!

As for grammar, indefinite and definite articles, the need for a copula verb, modal verbs, the division of verbs into correct and incorrect (strong/ weak in German) and other features will not be new to everyone who knows English. In addition, the proposals themselves are very similar. German another advantage is the six tenses presence’ twelve English ones instead. Agree, this is a significant difference.

So if you decide to study German, feel free to get down to business and do not be afraid that it is too complicated, because it is not so at all. Sign up for courses from the DeutcherPapa and start learning!

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