Sergey Sulimov


Sergey Sulimov


How not to break the lang: rules for reading letter combinations in German

Before you get started with letters combinations in German, you need to know the alphabet and the rules for reading a transcription. As letters a combination is understood to be several letters a combination which, when pronounced, read as one sound. In addition, do not forget that the best way to practice the several letters pronunciation – are short phrases in German.

Frequent letter combinations in German


The letter combinationGerman transcriptionRussian transcription
-ie-, -ieh-[i:][и:]
-äu-, -eu-[ɔɪ̯][ой]
1 – usually, 2 – in borrowed words, depending on the original sound


Read German letter combinations correctly

  • “H” after vowels

If there is a vowel in “H” the front in German, the combination will be pronounced long, without pronouncing the letter “H”. This combination can be formed with all vowel letters in German but remember that the letter combination “YH” can be found rarely and in borrowed words.


The letter combinationWordRussian transcription
«AH»fahren (drive)[фарэн]
«EH»gehen (go)[геен]
«IH»ihm (him)[им]
«OH»ohne (without)[онэ]
«UH»der Schuh (botic)[шу]
«ÄH»die Äpfel (apples)[эпфэль]
«ÖH»das Möbel (furniture)[мёбэль]
«ÜH»die Übung (exercise)[юбунг]
  • “H” after consonants

The letter “H” often forms letter combinations with “D”, “R”, “P” and “T”. These letter combinations “DH”, “RH”, “TH” read as [д], [р], [т]. Remember that the letter “N” is not pronounced in these cases. Also «PH» most often reads as [ф].

For example:

The letter combinationWordRussian transcription
«DH»Dhaka (The Bangladesh capital)[дака]
«RH»Rhein (The Rhein river)[рэйн]
«PH»die Physik[фюзик]


  • “IE” and “IEH” – what’s the difference?

In fact, there is no difference between these letter combinations “IE” and “IEH. Both are read as a long [и:].

The letter combinationWordRussian transcription
«IE»die Liebe (love)[либэ]
«IEH»sieh (watch!)[зы]


  • «ÄU», «EU», «OI», «OY» — [ɔɪ̯] — [ой]
The letter combinationWordRussian transcription
«ÄU»die Bäume (blooms)[боймэ]
«EU»heute (today)[хойтэ]
«OI»der Konvoi[конвой]
«OY»der Boykott (boycott)[бойкот]


  • «AI», «AY», «EI», «EY» — [aɪ̯] — [ай]
The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«EI»der Freitag (Friday)[фрайтак]
«EY»Loreley (A rock name in Germany)[лорэляй]
«AI»der Mai (May)[май]
«AY»Bayern (Bayern)[байэрн]


It is also important to remember that the letter combinations “AY” and “EY” are often found in words borrowed from English. For example: Volleyball (волейбол) – [волейбаль]. In such cases, words with these letter combinations are read as in the original language.


  • «AE», «OE», «UE» — alternative to the umlauts

The letter combinations “AE”, “OE”, and “UE” are found mainly as a substitute for umlauts. These combinations are used in writing very rarely. Formally, they are simply rendering an alternative form the letters “Ä”, “Ö”, “Ü” and are read accordingly.

The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«AE»der Kaese = der Käse (cheese)[кэзэ]
«OE»koennen = können (can)[кёнэн]
«UE»die Puefung = die Prüfung (examination)[прюфунг]


  • «CH» — [x], [ç], [ʃ], [k], [t͡ʃ]

In general, in German words, the letter combination “CH” reads as [x] or [xь], but “CH” is also used in loan words, where this letter combination retains its original sound and can be read as [ш], [к] or [ч].

For example:

The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«CH»machen (do)[махэн]
«CH»nicht (not)[нихьт]
«CH»der Chef (Chief)[шэф]
«CH»der Chip (chip)[чип]


  • «CHS» — [ks] – [кс]

The letter “CHS” is always pronounced as [кс]. 

For example:

The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«CHS»die Erwachsene (Adult)[эрваксэнэ]
«CHS»sechs (six)[зэкс]


  • «CK» — [k] – [к]

This letter combination “CK” reads like a regular sound [к]. 

For example:

The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«CK»das Gepäck (baggage)[гэпэк] 
«CK»wecken (wake)[вэкэн]
«CK»der Blick (look)[блик]


  • «SP» — [ʃp] – [шп]

“SP” occurs most often at a word beginning in German and is read as [шп].

For example:

The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«SP»der Sport (Sport)[шпорт] 
«SP»das Spiel (game)[шпиль]
«SP»die Sprache (language)[шпрахэ]


  • «ST» — [ʃt] – [шт]

The letter combination “ST” is almost similar to “SP”. It is pronounced as – [шт] at the word beginning.

For example:

The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«ST»der Start (start)[штарт]
«ST»aufstehen (get up)[ауфштэен]
«ST»die Stunde (hour)[штундэ]
«ST»der Student (student)[штудэнт]


  • «SCH» — [ʃ] – [ш]

The letter combination “SCH” its position regardless in the word is read as – [ш].

For example:

The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«SCH»schwer (hard)[швэр]
«SCH»die Schule (school)[шуле]
«SCH»schon (already)[шён]


  • «TSCH» — [t͡ʃ] – [ч]

The letter combination “TSCH” in German is pronounced as – [ч].

For example:

The letter combination WordRussian transcription
«TSCH»Deutsch (Deutsch)[дойч]
«TSCH»tschüss (Bye)[чюс]
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